My home is
close to the North Saugeen River, one of many streams in a landscape rich in
water. Our
family had a couple of favourite swimming spots where we spent many
happy hours with our kids. Later we explored the river by canoe. But in the last few years, influenced by Waterlog, a Swimmer’s Journey Across
Britain by Roger Deakin, I have been swimming lengths of the river with a
small camera finding a magical new world of underwater views and endless
inspiration for painting.
A moment in
time, a certain light, what I found in my garden; any of these things may be
the spark that sends me to paint and paper.
I have been lucky enough to be able to make several trips to Thailand in the last few years, a place of gorgeous landscapes and people and jaw-dropping art in every temple, truly an artist’s feast. I kept painting journals each trip, splashing colour over the page to capture an impression or absorbing details of temple sculptures with a pen and ink drawing. These paintings are a tribute to, and in memory of, a beautiful part of the world